
  • Check Calendar: Allyson can check your calendar for you at anytime and makes it easy to know whats going on with her summaries.

  • Add an Event: Ask Allyson to add an event to your calendar, a few seconds later a card pops up for you to confirm the details and it’s saved.

  • Suggest Meeting Times: When a draft comes in and it requires a meeting Allyson automatically checks your schedule to make sure there is no overlap of meetings then she will suggest a time that will work best for you.


  • Check Calendar: 1 Task
  • Add an Event: 1 Task

Required Connections

  • Google Calendar: To activate and utilize the Google Calendar Agent features, a connection with your Google account is essential. This integration allows Allyson to access your calendar for management.

Setting Up

  1. Add Agent in Command Center: To begin using the Google Calendar Agent, visit the Command Center on our web application. Navigate to the marketplace and select the Google Calendar Agent for addition to your suite of tools.

  2. Ready For Use: With the agent configured, access its features through our mobile app or web app. Allyson is ready to assist with your calendar management tasks, operating in the background to ensure your schedule is efficient and productive.

Allyson’s Google Calendar Agent is more than just an calendar assistant; it’s a powerful tool designed to adapt to your business needs, making calendar management a breeze. Embrace the future of calendar management with Allyson at your service.